Updated January 30, 2025
Who do I contact with questions?
Before contacting us, please review the items below. If you don't find your answer there, email us at info-at-nevernotfunny-dot-com!
I never received my perks for (insert year). What can I do?
Once a new perks year starts, perks from previous years have ended. While we may still have some inventory, we will no longer process shipping for those years. Unless otherwise stated, you should assume the ability to receive old perks ends December 31 of the year the perks were announced. Please note: starting in 2023, the end of the perks eligibility ended within a month or two of the beginning of the second season of that year. To avoid missing taking whatever steps are needed to obtain your perks, please make sure to whitelist the email info-at-nevernotfunny-dot-com to receive reminders, and listen to plugs in episodes from the start of a new season; we often mention what's needed to do in those episodes, and we will email anyone who hasn't done things like:
- Provide a mailing address
- Select sizes or options
- Opt into receiving physical or digital perks
Remember that if you opt out of perks, we will retain that selection, so if you change your mind, you will need to opt back in before the eligibility deadline. If you are to receive more than one physical perk, it's all or none, so if you need to provide a size for any perk, you need to do that even if you don't want that particular perk.
What podcatcher do you recommend?
While we don't have a preference, as of 2023 our subscribers report that Pocket Casts is the most reliable way to view our RSS content.
How do I access the ad-free feed?
For Season 34, by popular demand, we've added an ad-free audio feed for Platinum subscribers! Starting with episode 3401, all audio episodes are available ad-free! They will still have plugs. The ad-free audio feed is separate from the previous Platinum feed. Some subscribers are happy to support us by continuing to receive numbered episodes with ads, so we kept that feed unchanged.
To access the ad-free audio feed, login and go to Platinum and then RSS. From there, you will now see three feed options: Audio, Video, and Ad-Free. Simply select the ad-free feed and click the button to copy your personal private feed to your clipboard. You can then paste that into your podcatcher of choice!
Note that our video feed has always been ad-free.
I've received a gift of Platinum, but I'm being asked for a credit card number. Why?
Our system asks for a credit, debit, or gift card number to allow your subscription to continue after your gift is exhausted. All accounts require this information. If you are concerned about being charged after your gift is exhausted, make a note of the date you started your subscription and how long it should last. Your account is charged on that date each month (or the closest date if there are fewer days than your date, like Feb 28 if you start Oct 31). Set a reminder in your calendar of choice to review your account prior to your gift running out.
I received a gift, but got an email saying I was charged! What is happening?
Our system will send you an email each month to verify that your subscription is still ongoing and being paid for. This does not necessarily mean your card was charged. Instead, the system first draws down from any gift balance until the remainder will not cover an entire month, then it will roll over to any card you have on file. To see your remaining gift, go to the gifting page while logged into Platinum, and you will see your remaining gift balance. As long as there is a balance remaining, your card on file will not be charged.
I never received the account verification email! What should I do?
In most cases, responding to this email is an optional extra security step. First, try logging into your Platinum account and see if you have access to your subscription content. If you do, then you are good to go! However, if you are not receiving system emails from us, you may want to add our email (info=at=nevernotfunny=dot=com) to your address list, and then search for how to whitelist email addresses with your email host. This should ensure that you get system emails like confirmations of subscription payments, and any notices of special events included with your subscription.
What's Never Not Funny Platinum?
It's the premium subscription service from the Never Not Funny podcast!
How is NNF Platinum different from the Players Club?
Well, for one thing, we built a whole new website to make subscribing to and accessing our content much, much easier. And instead of going through the hassle of having to re-subscribe every six or twelve months, you can now subscribe once and your subscription renews automatically. We’ll still label our episodes by season and number (or letter), but once you’re subscribed, you stay subscribed until you cancel, and once you add the Platinum feed to your podcast app, you never have to worry about adding a new RSS feed again!
Which perks will I get when I subscribe?
Let's be honest, this is a little confusing! Twice a year, we have new seasons starting, currently in February and August. However, those don't really coincide with perks. Instead, perks actually start January 1 of any given year, and expire later that year (see your perks page for details). This means if you qualify for perks by perks end date of a given year, you'll get the perks for that year. Perks qualifications reset on January 1 of the next year. You can only get one set of perks per subscription per year. Perks are while supplies last, and may expire before the year is over. So while we might say "Season XX perks are blah blah blah," what's actually happening is that those perks are the ones for that whole year. And to be clear, the seasons really don't matter for perks qualification. Once we run out of physical perks for the year, new subscribers will only receive content perks.
I use [obscure podcast app] and the old Players Club RSS feeds never worked for me. Did you fix that?
Yes! The new system generates a custom RSS feed URL for each subscriber, and that will work with any pod-catcher app that allows you to add a podcast by URL. You just copy the link and paste it into the app when prompted and you’re all set — no username or password required!
NOTE: Some podcast apps (like Spotify) do not support pasting in a premium private URL, and only accept their own premium podcasts. You will not be able to use these apps with our system.
How much does NNF Platinum cost and what do I get for that?
The best way to see current prices and perks is to go here: Platinum Subscription Page
However, there are three main tiers to the premium service: Platinum, Platinum Plus and Platinum Primo*.
• Platinum (Tier 1) is $6 per month and includes an extra episode every week (the lettered Sunday night episodes), video of every episode, plus at least one bonus episode per month (things like Tournament of 7s, live shows, other fun stuff). Currently this tier includes the last 12 lettered, numbered, and bonus episodes which update as each new episode releases. The oldest episode of those 12 will drop off when any new episode is added. Tier 1 Platinum subscribers will also have access to several years of the free feed audio right there in their premium feed.
• Platinum Plus (Tier 2) is $12 per month and includes the above, plus access to our entire back catalog archive of over one thousand episodes, one live episode per month (and the number to call in if you want to and we're taking calls), and physical perks of some type (see the link above, while supplies of perks last).
• Platinum Primo (Tier 3) is $22 per month and includes all of the above, plus a private online game with The Gang every three months, additional physical perks, and other bonuses.
*In addition to these levels, there are Platinum Primo+, ++, +++, etc. These are additional ways you can support Never Not Funny if you like, and may include other benefits you can review at the Subscription link above. These benefits will change from year to year.
Can I buy the whole year in advance?
Sort of, yes! Just go to the gifting page, and gift yourself as much as you like! Please note: a credit or debit card is required to redeem your "self gift," and once the credit from your gift runs out, the card you add will be charged.
Can I buy individual episodes?
No, but for $5 you get a month’s worth of premium content, and that’s pretty great!
If I cancel my subscription, can I still access the premium content I had access to while I was subscribed?
No, but you can download the content to your device of choice and save it locally before canceling.
If I purchased content in the old system, will I have access to it in the new system regardless of whether I subscribe to the Platinum?
Yes! If you haven't already transitioned to the new system, it is still possible. Your Pardcast.com account information should still be in our system; all you'll need is the email address and password, and then follow the instructions. If you have any issues, you can email [email protected] for assistance.
So if I just pay $5 for the last month of the season, I get the whole season?
No, you only have access to the most recent episode from the day you subscribe, and then the designated number of episodes before that (the previous 12, or about a month) going forward for as long as you stay subscribed.
How do the physical and digital perks work? Are they annual? Do I have to be subscribed for a certain number of months before getting them? It seems like I could pay $20 once and get all sorts of great stuff?
Yes and no. Perks like T-shirts, pins, stickers and calendars will be annual, and while some items will be shipped in the first month, others may ship later — you will need to be a subscriber in good standing to receive them. Digital perks will start a few months into a new season, and scheduling will be random — only subscribers in good standing will receive them. If you are intent on “gaming” the system, there is nothing stopping you from canceling your subscription after you receive your perks, but it should be noted that future perks may only be available to subscribers who have kept their subscription active at a given level for a period of time (for example, we could offer an exclusive shirt for everyone who has been a subscriber for 12 or more months).
Does the Platinum subscription include ad-free versions of the free, Wednesday night episodes?
No, sorry. It helps us a lot if people download the free episodes with the ads in them, so we try to make our ads fun and funny, like the show itself! But if you really want, you can always download the video version of those episodes, which do not have any pre-roll or mid-roll ads. Starting with episode 3401, however, we added a new, ad-free numbered episode feed! See info above.
Are past Pardcast-A-Thons included in the Platinum Plus archives?
No, unfortunately Pardcast-A-Thon packages have to stay separate because the proceeds go to Smile Train, so they can only be sold as a la carte bundles. To purchase these packages, go to PardcastAThon.com! Please note: if you purchased past Pardcast-A-Thons at pardcast.com and no longer have your downloaded files, we are unable to grant you access on the new site.
How do I pay for international (outside US) perks shipping?
You should be able to click through and pay in the store directly from our Perks management page. Details will be sent to you in an email when your perks are ready to ship.
Can I use the gifting system to gift myself?
Yes! A lot of folks have asked to be able to pay for more than one month at a time. As part of our gifting system, we've included functionality that lets you gift to your own account, which means you can pay for as much as you like ahead of time! Please note, however: funds gifted using the system are non-refundable.
How does the gifting system draw down my account, and when will my card be charged?
When using the gifting system as a recipient, any funds gifted will appear as a credit that you can review any time on the gifting page when you are logged into your account. As long as you have a balance in your gifting credit, your next month's subscription will be drawn from that amount. If at any time your gift balance is lower than your subscription amount, the remaining amount will be charged to your card.
I don't want all of the physical or digital perks on offer. Can I just get the ones I prefer/can I swap one item for another?
Unfortunately, no, we can't accommodate custom orders. However, if you don't want any of the perks, you can select to opt out of either the physical or digital perks as groups. This preference will remain selected until you change it. However, if you change it, you will be sent whatever perks from the current year you're entitled to (up to the date when those perks are no longer available). Sign in and go to the Perks Page to make your selection. Also note: once your physical or digital perks are marked "In Process", if you want to decline receipt, you'll need to email us. If your perks are marked as "Shipped" or "Completed", you will not be able to decline those perks.
How do I change my credit card information?
Several folks have asked about this (it's an FAQ!), it's not intuitive, but it's easy: log into your nevernotfunny.com
What happens if my card is declined, will my membership be canceled? Can I get it back?
The way our system works, your card will be tried a couple of times when it's time to renew your monthly subscription. You will receive an email letting you know if your card was unable to be charged. Your subscription will continue after that until your last payment runs out. After that, if you want to re-up your subscription, simply update your payment method and your billing will restart the day you make the change. In the rare event that the system times out on your current card, but the card was only temporarily blocked, deleting and re-entering the information should solve any issue. As a last resort, you may have to resubscribe. In all of those cases, you will only lose access for the time when we were not able to bill you. There is no penalty for having billing problems other than that. If you are a legacy subscriber, your previous pardcast.com purchases will always be available no matter what your premium subscription status is if you followed the instructions to transfer your pardcast.com info to the nevernotfunny.com service.
I'm trying to view video in iOS, but get an error!
We believe we have solved this issue. If you are still experiencing this, please let us know at [email protected]
I'm trying to view video in Safari, but I keep getting errors!
This is an intermittent issue that some users have reported. The issue is caused by a feature that Safari has regarding autoplay that doesn't always kick in. The easiest answer is to view the site in a different browser, such as Chrome or Brave. You could also turn off the "stop autoplay" in Safari for neverntofunny.com. To do this, follow these instructions, or do a search for "allow video autoplay Safari."
I've paid for my Platinum subscription, I hear about others receiving emails, but I don't see any from you. What's wrong?
We've discovered that some major email services, especially those from Microsoft (including Hotmail and Outlook) are extra sensitive to blocking emails they think might be spam. First, check your spam folder for emails from "[email protected]." Next, you need to whitelist that email. For most services, it's easy: just add [email protected] to your contacts list. If that doesn't work, look for either their safe list, blocked senders list, or white list. Since there are so many options, our best advice is to search for "add email to whitelist" along with whatever service you're using. Follow the instructions you find, and that should solve any issues.
How do I change my password after I've already created my nevernotfunny.com account?
Go to "Account & Settings" from the upper right menu, then select "Privacy". There are three items there: Change Password, Deactivate Account (no!), and Change Email.
For some files in the embedded player, files will stop playing partway through. What should I do?
From time to time, especially on episode release days, the embedded player may have slowdowns. We recommend using the RSS feed or downloading the files to your device instead if this occurs for you.
I want to upgrade/downgrade my subscription. How do I do that?
A few folks had trouble finding this, you're not the only one! After logging in, go to "Account & Settings" in the menu under your user name in the upper right of the page. From there, click "My Subscription" and then the button you're looking for is to the right above the description of your current Tier. From there, click your new Tier. Note: you DO NOT need to unsubscribe first! Just click "Subscribe", confirm your choice, and you're good to go!
I have an account from the old site, so I clicked on the "Forgot Password" link to reset my password and log in as instructed, but I never received an email to complete the password reset process.
The most common solution to this problem is to check your spam/junk folder. Sometimes, an email provider will block spam at the server level, so you have to log into your account in a web browser and check the spam there. Finally, some email providers turn on spam filtering by default, which would require you to turn off the filter by logging into your account online and finding the spam filter settings. (Numerous Comcast customers have reported this issue, and to solve it they logged into Xfinity Connect, went to Mail > Advanced Settings, found a checkbox for "Enable spam filtering," then unchecked that. You may have to submit your email to the "Forgot password" tool again after following these steps.) Once you have received that email, you can safely turn that filtering back on. If you are still having trouble, contact us at [email protected].
I no longer have access to the email linked to my old account. How do I get logged in?
Please submit your old username, old email address and current email address to [email protected] and the support team can change the email address in your account to your new/current address.
Does the new system work with the old Players Club app?
Unfortunately, no. We may launch a new one in the future, but for now you will have to use a podcatcher app to subscribe to the Platinum via RSS. The good news is, our new Platinum RSS feeds work with almost every podcast app out there! (You no longer need to submit a username and password with the feed to subscribe, so any app that allows you to manually submit an RSS feed will work.)
Have a question we didn’t address here? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it. And check back here for updates to the FAQ!